" From the sand will rise a hero'' . Ubisoft brought back the '' Sands of Time '' universe and made this game . I was very surprised when I started TFS for the first time . It was so good ! The player is able to manipulate the time , to freeze water , to recall things that no longer exist , to use powers of nature to help him in many situations . He even could jump on birds and after that jump again on some type of surface . So , as you see it is incredible . Now I'll describe the game in more details .
The story begins when our Prince was sent by his father - King Sharaman to his brother Malik in order to see how to rule a kingdom as a great leader . But when the Prince reaches the palace , he sees the terrible situation of his brother . The kingdom is under siege , the enemies are everywhere . To stop this , Malik unleashes an ancient power , but this action brings horrible consequences . It frees the Sand Army - terrible monsters whose only aim is to destroy humans kingdom on Earth . Its leader is the djin called Ratash .
Evil and nasty, isn't he .
So the only way for the Prince to stop Ratash is to unite his powers with the queen of djin - Razia .
Platforms : PC , XBOX 360 , PS3 .
I really enjoyed that game . It is awesome, I hope my review is helpful . N-joy !!!