понеделник, 13 декември 2010 г.

One different post

  Yesterday , I was playing my  favourite game - Prince of Persia 2008 . I've completed it 4 times and now I'm playing it for fifth time . I already healed 15 fertile grounds , unlocked all of Elika's powers and collected at about 600 light seeds .   I really enjoy thet game - it is like no other - open world , epic story , Elika , you can't die and of course boss battles . The Prince fight so acrobatic and when they do the magic attack together with Elika - it is amazing .
  The world is very nice too . My favourite place is The Cavern , when I get there for the first time ( it was 1 year ago ) it coudn't stop playing . It was so unbelievable  nice . Or for example fighting with  corrupted soldiers . When you push him to the edge the Prince kill him and drop him down :
   The game is  absolutely perfect . Just have a look at the view :
  I already told you that this game is my favourite . so 1 month ago I bought the collector's edition with all the secret places , achievments and tricks . If you want to buy it don't do this  in book stores . There it costs at about 30-40 euros . The price in amazon is much lower : Prince of Persia Collectors Edition .
  So I'll say again : I've played this game 5 times , I know the secret achievments , so If somebody is in trouble or just have questions I'll be always glad to answer and help . Write me email to i.i.kalchev@mail.bg .

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